Your Outer World is a Direct Reflection of Your Inner World

A recent article, The Law of Reflection by Christy Whitman says that everything in the Universe is a reflection of YOU.  This includes your relationships with people in your life as well as your relationship with money.  If you have fear or anxiety about money, success, or anyone in your life, then these are reflections of fear and insecurity within your own being.  Those fears will always be exposed in your reactions to others.


During Life Coach Training with QSCA you will understand that everything is a mirror reflection of YOU and your inner world, and with the help and guidance of a Certified Quantum Success Coach you can recognize them and change them.  Further, you will learn that the Law of Reflection is a great way to rise above the effect of fear and this law is discussed deeply in Quantum Success Coaching Academy Coach Certification Program.


The Law of reflection can be illustrated in different ways.
What you admire in others, you recognize as existing within yourself. When you see wonderful qualities in another person, it is because you too have those qualities. You’ll be able to discover and recognize your amazing qualities when you train with a Certified Quantum Success Coach.  The Quantum Success Coaching Academy Cost is worth investing because training with a life coach is profitable both personal and professional.


What you don’t like in yourself, you will dislike in others. When you realize that you hate a quality in another person, look at yourself and that is a great clue where you need to develop self–love and self-acceptance. QSCA Christy Whitman will offer us with a system to practice self-love on a daily basis.


What you resist to others is something which you are afraid exists within you.  When you notice this kind of quality in another person and have an emotional reaction to it, you definitely don’t want to look at it.  However, when we learn and apply the Law of Reflection through qsca coaching program, we will be able to gain more clarity and change what you are afraid of.


What you resist to others is almost certain to be found within you. When someone annoys you and you resist a behavior that they have, you can look at yourself and realize that that in order to change it outside of yourself, you need to change it within.


Learn The Law of Reflection through QSCA and free yourself from devastating fear and insecurity.



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5 Tips to Work with the Law of Release

A recent article, The Law of Release by Christy Whitman believes that the Law of Release is applied when you give up what is no longer required and useful to you.  It allows the universe to bring the new and desirable into your life. We will discover how the Law of Release can lead us to a more abundant life in Quantum Success Coaching Academy Coach Certification Program with qsca Christy Whitman.


Here are some tips how to work with this law (a Certified Quantum Success Coach will enlighten us about these processes).


  1. Forgive. Spend a few minutes each day in forgiving–this means even forgiving yourself! Forgiveness is a great way to release—to set you free! Forgiveness makes you feel fine, grow and expand.
  2. Declutter. Clean out your cabinets, desk, drawers, car, or any place that has clutter. Clutter obstructs your productivity —the flow of abundance in your life.
  3. Refrain from splurging. You just waste the money if you spend them on things that don’t benefit. Nevertheless, investing your money on a program like qsca program cost will profit you a lot (personally and professionally). In qsca coaching program, you will learn the important keys to reinvent your relationship with money, and become a deliberate creator of financial abundance.


  1. Identify and then release your limiting beliefs. A Certified Quantum Success Coach can help us identify negative thoughts and beliefs that are disrupting our joy and success. Further, in Life Coach Training with QSCA, we will learn to deliberately choose to focus our attention on something that always brings us joy and gratitude to stop negative emotions take over.

  2. Get away from people or circumstances that drain your energy.
    If you are in relationship with people that drain your energy, ask yourself “why”, or if you engage in activities that drain all your energy, ask yourself “why”. Start letting go of those people and circumstances in your life, and you will find you have more energy and in alignment with what you really want to manifest.

Examine your life and see if there are things, people and circumstances that hinder your abundance and then apply the Law of Release.


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It’s Not Enough to Just Think Positive

A recent article, Just Think Positive by Christy Whitman explains that working with the Law of Attraction and other Universal Laws isn’t “just think positive”.  We have to dig deeper.  We have to connect with ourselves; we have to connect with our emotions.  We will learn to connect deeply with our emotions and be guided by the wisdom they hold through QSCA Coaching Program with qsca certified coaches.


When our energy is in alignment, thinking positive is very powerful.  But if you have any resistance about something and you “just think positive”, you are still sending out an energetic vibration based on your feelings and not your thoughts. You’re not truly going to engage and work with Universal laws.  We will be trained to connect and transmit vibration that will help us create what we want through Life Coach Training with QSCA.


When you find an emotion that feels good, ride it.  Just allow yourself to feel that feeling. Allow it to flow through your blood and your veins. Get grounded in it, generate that energy that you want to feel, whether its success, or joy, or freedom. In Quantum Success Coaching Academy Coach Certification Program, we will fully understand the Law of Attraction and other Universal Laws and apply them correctly to achieve our heart’s desire.


Nevertheless, if you’re moving about your day and suddenly you feel a disturbing emotion— Stop!  Ask yourself, “What is this emotion I am feeling? “ “I am feeling agitated.  Alright, what I am agitated about?”   Perhaps you just have to stop and take a few deep breaths,  and then refocus into the present moment.  Or maybe there’s a thought process there that you need to follow back (qsca Christy Whitman can help and guide you in this process).


Thinking positive is our natural state, but just thinking positively isn’t enough, it is not the complete solution and answer to creating what we want.   It’s an aspect of it, but it organically comes from when you’re feeling good.  When you’re feeling good and you’re in alignment, you naturally think positively.  When you clean up your past and you are connecting to the future, you automatically think positive.



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Learn to Use Adversity as a Tool to Success through QSCA

A recent article by Christy Whitman says everything is an opportunity to connect with God– any other condition that you are both unhappy and happy with your life. Nevertheless, it is during our desperate times that we do it more sincerely.  QSCA Christy Whitman will teach us how-to use contrast (desperate and seem-to-be hopeless situations and experiences) to clarify and achieve exactly what we want.

At these times, when we are in the midst of what we really don’t want, we have to shift and focus on what we do want, or we will continue to generate more of the same. A Certified Quantum Success Coach will teach us the underlying principles of the Law of Attraction (Like attracts like) and other universal laws that relate to abundance, joy, success.

Life Coach Training with QSCA will provide us a different perspective on those areas where you are so worn out of having that tension that you wish things to be different. We will learn to see and perceive everything, including setbacks and hindrances as necessary steps toward the attainment of our desired results.

QSCA Christy Whitman will help you realize that in this difficult situation, it’s an opportunity to learn about yourself. This is an opportunity to become more aware and conscious about how you think, believe and respond, and therefore vibrate in this particular area of your life. We will learn to powerfully connect with our inner self through qsca coaching program.

This situation did not happen to hurt you, but to teach you in some ways. Through Quantum Success Coaching Academy Coach Certification Program, you will realize that this adversity is just momentary and this can be used as a tool for the fulfillment of your desires.

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Music is Powerful

A recent article, Music by Christy Whitman  says, there are various ways to help empower our children and to develop their essential life skills through qsca Christy Whitman. Nevertheless, music is one way to help empower our kids even with our busy schedule with ease and fun.

As parents, our mood and energy affect our children and the environment.  Music can help us build the kind of atmosphere or vibration we want in our home. We can use music for our meditation and Christy Whitman life coach can give us proper guidance on meditation, to connect deeply with our inner self and be empowered as individuals.

Children respond quickly to music and dancing. Pay attention to what your kids are hearing in the songs; ensure the music that our children hear is fun and inspiring, and that it is not creating negativity in their minds.

You can play classical music in the morning to start the day. It is very soothing and relaxing. You can also play music that is entertaining and uplifting, and you can take the time to dance with your kids. Kids have lots of energy, and dancing is a great way to get them moving and release any extra energy. Too much energy running through their bodies can cause them to be hyper and even destructive.  As parents, we will learn to focus on building strong character, high self-esteem, and unlimited possibilities through Quantum Success Coaching Academy Coach Certification Program.

It is crucial to listen to the lyrics (messages) of the songs. Songs get in your head. It lingers in your head all day long and it becomes a thought. Through Quantum Success Coaching Academy Coach Certification Program, we will be able to understand the impact of our thoughts in creating our reality.

Music is so powerful.  It is a thought expressed in words with rhythm and melody. We need to pick the right kind of music—music that gives messages of empowerment. So keep only what is uplifting and empowering.  Music will play over and over again in our heads and when this happens, the lyrics actually work like affirmations.  Learn the power of affirmations through QSCA. It’s a great source of entertainment for us, too, when we watch our kids dancing. So, create some playlists that are fun for you and also fun for your kids.


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Most Indispensable Trait of a Successful Life Coach

A recent article, Most Important Trait You Need to Be a Successful Life Coach by Christy Whitman says that the common question that often arises for those considering a career change or starting a career as a life coach is, “Can outstanding coaches be “made” or do they have inherent ability to empower and inspire?” Well, all excellent coaches share one common characteristic—“having a commitment to their own path of personal, emotional, and spiritual growth.” Some of qsca certified coaches are born with more of a tendency than others toward this characteristic, but everyone without exception can develop it through the Quantum Success Coaching Academy Coach Certification Program.

In other words, we (qsca certified coaches) can’t teach other people what we ourselves don’t know, and we can’t guide others to let go of their limiting beliefs and come into alignment with their desires unless we have actually done and experience this in our own lives.


As a Certified Quantum Success Coach, it doesn’t mean to be “perfect” in every aspect of your life or you have to be exactly the way you want it, but this means that you will continue to bring forth desires that you will then need to align yourself with.


It’s very crucial that we (qsca certified coaches) are dedicated to our own personal expansion, because the more experience we have in identifying and letting go of our own thoughts, feelings and behaviors that don’t serve us, the better we will be able to help our clients with the same.

Being committed to your own improvement simply means that you take responsibility for the quality of your life experience, and that you continually strive to adjust the vibration of your own thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and outlook in order to magnetize and receive more of what you want. In the Life Coach Training with QSCA, you will have access to a reliable set of tools that you can apply every day, in any circumstance, to continually improve your life experience.


As a Certified Quantum Success Coach, every skill you hone to serve your clients also serves you. So, in a very real sense, coaches get paid to have extraordinary lives!

Are you ready to start your life coaching journey?  Come and join Life Coach Training with QSCA and build a successful practice.


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Focus: An Essential Life Skill

When you think about what life is like today, what words come to mind to describe it? Did you come up with words that reflect a complex and disturbing world? A recent article, An Essential Skill for Kids and Parents by Christy Whitman  says that our thoughts can bring us joy and victory, or the contrast.  Through Life Coach Training with QSCA, you will learn the correct approach to conquer negative thoughts by deliberately redirecting your attention on positive things.

Well, in reality, life today can be very complex, disturbing, exciting and stressful. Each day and every day, there are so many things around us that require our time, effort and energy—we tend to forget things and fail to focus. We as parents feel that stress and thus our children feel it, too. In qsca coaching program with qsca Christy Whitman, we will be taught and be guided properly to practices like mindfulness and meditation to help us connect to our inner peace for greater success and clarity.

Because our society is so fast moving, and there are so many disruptions, it is very crucial that not only us as parents, but also our children learn one of the most essential life skills, Focus. We have to learn how to focus ourselves so we can teach this to our children. A Certified Quantum Success Coach will teach us the essential factors to manage our own mind in order to build greater clarity and momentum.

How do we focus? First, we need to pay attention and release the distractions. Paying full attention and being aware or conscious is the key to getting focused.  We will learn and understand how to deliberately choose to pay our attention on something that constantly brings us happiness and gratitude to prevent negative thoughts and emotions take over through QSCA.

Focus is essential so we can live up to our full potential, and manifest the abundance and success we desire. Come and visit qsca coaching program reviews to witness and meet the people who have experienced positive transformation in their lives.


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Express Your Appreciation

A recent article, Appreciation by Christy Whitman agrees that there are many things to be thankful for — appreciation for everything, including yourself. The simple things that you have a rooftop above you, that you have a good place to sleep, that there are people who love and support you, that you have the inherent ability to create and enjoy life—these are the things that you usually ignore.  But, if your mind and energy is focused on appreciation and giving thanks for the good things you have, you will be moving in the direction of a positive life experience. Come join the qsca coaching program to discover your full potential to abundant life.

Appreciation is the most effective and fastest way to broadcast good vibes and it sends out a call to the Universe to give you more. “Whatever you appreciate and give thanks for will increase in your life.” “People and the Universe give to those that are genuinely appreciative—not just from your head, but from your heart.”  We will understand the universal laws and how to apply them for our more successful life in QSCA and qsca Christy Whitman.

It’s amazing to be encircled with people who are grateful and appreciative (you’ll certainly find these people in Quantum Success Coaching Academy Coach Certification Program). And it’s even greater if you are grateful to yourself for the abundance you created and for that you’ll receive abundantly. You actually transform your entire energy field when you appreciate. As you give thanks, your heart opens. Your heart is directly connected to your soul. It‘s where the two worlds of form and spirit meet. Appreciation is the path straight to your heart, to your energy, and to your soul. We will learn to powerfully connect with our inner self through Life Coach Training with QSCA.

Make an Appreciation Play sheet and then write a letter to yourself and demonstrate your appreciation.

  • What things do you appreciate about your life?
  • What people do you appreciate?
  • What good things about yourself (your body, mind, etc.) do you appreciate?

How will you express your appreciation?  Joining the QSCA is one great way to express your appreciation to yourself and to others by imparting the knowledge and wisdom you earn through life experiences. Be part of the qsca coaching program not only to be blessed, but to be a blessing, too.

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Thoughts are Real

A recent article by Christy Whitman says that, thoughts are real.  In fact, they have actual weight and mass! Quantum physics can measure thoughts now.  Thoughts have significant power over each cell in our body.  Our thoughts can make us happy and successful, or the other way around. QSCA Christy Whitman will help us conquer negative thoughts by deliberately redirecting our focus on positive things.

Everything starts and ends in our mind. How our mind functions determines how happy you are, how successful you feel, and how well you relate to other people. Life Coach Training with QSCA will help us unlock and learn the essential keys to handle our own mind in order to   build greater clarity and self-confidence.

The patterns of your mind lead you towards greatness and success, or they cause you to wallow in weakness and misery. Learning how to focus and direct your mind is the most essential element of success. We will find the important ingredient for manifesting a successful and abundant Life quickly and easily through Quantum Success Coaching Academy Coach Certification Program.

Our brains work like computers in many ways. When we receive negative input about ourselves, they are stored in our subconscious minds, and we often communicate those messages through our negative feelings, emotions and behavior. The qsca coaching program will help us redirect our negative thoughts to prevent negative emotions take control.

Except we learn to “talk back” and manage destructive thoughts, we believe them 100%. More often than not, many of us fail to filter the thoughts that go through our heads even though the thoughts may be very unreasonable. This leads to behavior that is based on false ideas and it becomes our “reality” that hinders us to experience abundant life. A Certified Quantum Success Coach will teach us to find out and correct the negative thoughts that are distracting our genuine happiness.

Most people are prisoners of their thoughts, but you can manage your thoughts—that means you can control your results. QSCA Certified Coaches will help you break the thinking patterns that are blocking the very things you desire.


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How You Feel about Yourself Manifests in Your Outer Reality

Our recent article, Your Outer Reality Is a Direct Reflection of How You Feel About Yourself by Christy Whitman believes that our external reality is a clear manifestation of how we feel about ourselves.  How we feel about ourselves starts in our mind— our thoughts. Our thoughts can make us glad and feel successful, or the contrast.  Our attitude directs us towards success and abundance, or it causes us to falter and feel lack. Learning how to focus and direct your mind is the most essential element of success and you can learn this skill through qsca coaching program.

Think about a situation in your life that is negative or exactly the reverse of what you want. A Certified Quantum Success Coach can help you realize that everything comes to you as a catalyst to help you reach to the next level.  Through Quantum Success Coaching Academy Coach Certification Program, you will be enlightened that difficult times, disappointments and adversaries are catalysts towards achieving even higher level of fulfillment.

Do you know that whatever you have attracted into your life right now is exactly what you need to grow and expand?  In QSCA, you will come to understand that you have life experiences that are personal just to you and essential for your growth. Furthermore, your friends, family members and colleagues do not have the same situations and experiences in their lives.

Every one of us attracts what is necessary in our life, and that includes life lessons.  Your reaction to the changes that inevitably happen in your life is the determining factor in your level of happiness, enjoyment, and success.  QSCA Christy Whitman will help and guide us to deliberately choose to focus on something that always brings us joy and gratitude.

If you start looking at situations as a blessing and an opportunity for growth, you come from a vibration of abundance instead of lack. Provisions and guidance will come to you in that situation instead of complaining and struggling what is happening in your life. It is The Law of Attraction in action—you will deeply understand the law of attraction through QSCA.


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